Catalyst Investors' Club



The presentations on the website include partial data and do not presume to include the complete data required for assessment of investment in each of the startup companies presented.

As long as you meet the criteria of a competent investor in accordance with the Securities Law and there is no legal prohibition in your place to make an investment and shall express interest in investing in one of the presented companies, you shall receive from us relevant offer documents that include a complete description of the offer and criteria for investment.

For the avoidance of doubt, Catalyst Investors' Club Ltd. ("CIC") is neither offering financial consultation nor recommending making investments or offering to sell securities. Cic is not providing service of investment advice , CIC is neither a broker, nor a dealer, nor an underwriter of securities and does not solicit investors to invest in any company whatsoever, but rather serves as a brokerage platform that makes data presented by third parties accessible.

CIC does not present any presentation and is not accountable in any way whatsoever for such presentations, including regarding the accuracy and completeness of such presentations. The presentations on the website include data supplied by third parties.

CIC and / or anyone on its behalf - functionaries, directors, executives, employees and / or affiliated companies - shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, punitive, particular or any other damage, whether if according to any contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or any other theory, resulting from such presentations.

The determination that any investment, investment strategy, security or related transaction is suitable for you, and that you undertake the risks involved in such investment, are your responsibility, and you acknowledge that prior to each investment you have consulted with advisors on your behalf, including, yet not restricted to, legal and financial consultation. No data presented on the website by CIC should be interpreted as complete and / or as an insurance counselling, legal, financial or investment counselling, [or] an offer made to a third party, for selling, soliciting, or offering for purchase.

It should be noted that the investment analysis is based on presentations by the companies on the website as well as, in some cases, on investments [results] of bodies that invested in those companies. In case a company included on the website has a prior investment, such data would be presented on the website.

You acknowledge that investing in the startup companies whose presentations appear on the website is highly speculative and carries a high risk. Based on the abovesaid, you acknowledge that no guarantee can be made that the companies would create operating income and / or reach profitable activity. Moreover, a risk of a loss of complete investment exists.

The Platform is limited to qualified investors therefore is not crowdfunding platform.