Catalyst Investors' Club



Ensuring the security of the information of our customers, partners and employees is important to us.

We at CIC use various security methods and security measures to protect the confidential information of our customers.

As the end user, you play an important role in protecting against risks associated with virus attacks, unauthorized access, and fraudulent online transactions.

Common Internet Security Threats

1. Malware

Malware, short for malicious software, is any type of software that can harm a system, network, or device. Examples of malware that can hurt our Internet security include computer viruses and worms, spyware, ransomware, exploits, crypto ackers, and some types of Trojans.

Types of malwares

  • Computer worms and viruses
    At first glance, a computer worm may seem like a computer virus. After all, both computer worms and viruses can corrupt data. But computer worms can be far more sophisticated. Unlike viruses, worms can self-replicate from one computer to another without requiring human activation. Computer worms can also drop more dangerous malware like ransomware, consume bandwidth, open
    backdoors, and more.
  • Ransomware
    Ransomware is a kind of malicious software that locks people out of their personal files, systems, networks, or devices and demands payment in exchange for access restoration. Ransomware extortionists usually ask for payment in the shape of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin because of convenience. While some types of ransomwares are targeted, others, like WannaCry, may spread more randomly across networks.

2. Hacking and remote access

Hackers compromise digital devices such as computers or tablets, or even networks through various tools, techniques, and deception.

3. Identity theft and data loss

Identity theft is one of the biggest Internet security threats. By sharing private information online or becoming a subject to phishing attacks, a user becomes a target. Hackers may steal sensitive information, such as name, address, login credentials, social security number, or date of birth, to impersonate you, typically for a financial crime. Experts say it can take several months to years to recover from this attack.

Businesses often report data loss which can lead to other Internet security crimes, such as a data breach, malware attack, financial crime and identity theft.

  • Phishing
    Phishing is the practice of using fraudulent e-mail messages that appear to be from a company you've done business with and copies of legitimate websites to extract financial and other personal information from unsuspecting computer users.

How to protect yourself?

  1. Use Internet security software to ensure that your devices are protected from these and other online threats. Examples of Internet Security solutions include:
    1. Anti-malware and antivirus software
    2. Virtual Private Network (VPN) applications
    3. Browser protection tools
    4. Virus scanning
    5. Adware and unwanted programs blockers
    6. Password managers
    7. Firewalls
  2. Defend yourself by setting long and complex passwords.
    Here are some tips for creating a strong password:
    1. Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
    2. Avoid using easily guessable information, such as your name or birthdate.
    3. Use a long password, ideally at least 12 characters.
    4. Avoid using common words or phrases.
    5. Do not reuse the same password for multiple accounts.
    6. Use a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts.
    7. Regularly update your password.
    8. Avoid using easily guessable patterns on the keyboard.
  3. E-mail Precautions:
    Our emails will always be from:
    1. Never open a website using a link provided in a suspicious email.
    2. Type the URL directly into the site or use your stored bookmarks.
    3. Avoid clicking on links, opening attachments, or downloading files from e-mail messages regardless of the file type or who sent them.
    4. Avoid including sensitive personal information in e-mail messages.
    5. Beware of requests asking you to take urgent action (e.g., "security check", "activate" or money transfer/payment requests).
    6. Beware of typos, grammatical errors, awkward writing and poor visual design and other errors, as these are often a sign of fake e-mails and websites.
    7. When CIC requires funds to be deposited for investments, the account will always be in a bank in the United States without further transfer to another account. Do not send money to CIC to a non-US/Israel account unless you have been instructed to use secure methods on the CIC website. If in doubt, call us.
  4. Precautions for online access:
    Type the official website address (URL) when logging into CIC or your financial institutions.

    When entering the site, look for the letter 's' immediately after the prefix "http" and the closed lock icon in the lower left corner of the screen. This indicates that both the site and the connection are encrypted.

    Review websites for their privacy policies and guidance on staying safe online.

    Be wary of any request that asks you to disclose or verify information about yourself or your accounts passwords or other information that a financial services provider may use to identify you (for example: date of birth, mother's maiden name).

How to contact CIC

Contact CIC when you notice any suspicious account activity or experience data security related events.

Contact Us: Support@catalyst-ic-com